A study on productivity from Workfront, communicated by the site Inc.com, is showing that employees are productive only 39% of their work time. The reasons are :

[expand title=”Read More . . .”]- 5% : social networks such as Facebook, Tweeter …
– 21% : meetings (half the time spend in meeting are unproductive)
– 16%: emails
– Managers are interrupted in their work every 12 minutes. Each interuption required 3 to 5 minutes to be concentrate again on the next task, (http://www.blog-emploi.com/loi-carlson/)
– 81% of all employees in 2014 up to 95% in 2016 have conflicts with other employees, due the increase of open space,[/expand]

Les salariés passent moins de 40% de leur temps de travail à… travailler ! – Mode(s) d’Emploi

Ne vous cachez plus derrière votre écran, on vous a démasqué ! Une étude de la société Workfront, rapportée par le site Inc.com, vient de donner un grand c