Home Assistant, Grafana and IFrame. How do I bypass the login that? I did install influx and Grafana in my Home Assistant instance but I found it kind of sluggish so I moved it over too my Docker instance. June 7, 2020 Lucas Hökerberg 1 Comment. Once it is back up again, open up InfluxDB and you should now be able to see the sensor data. Entraide Home Assistant. Tu veux dire qu’a partir du moment ou il y a un graphique tu veux que se soit grafana qui prenne la main ? I explore further, I found the API section, I created an API key, and now I have the key token. pour l’instant sans succes lol mais tu vois mon avancement, Home Assistant, Grafana and IFrame – Lucas TechBlog, dis moi si tu avances de ton coté, je continue tout à l’heure, Ok merci @jybi89 pour ton retour et bon ap… ici je viens de terminer. Aprite le porte 3000 e 8888 del vostro router per accedere a Grafana e InfluxDB, questo servirà anche per farli comunicare tra di loro. Je suis en vacances mais regarderai ça dès que j’ai un peu de temps. It kept asking me to enter un/pw in the iframe. I explore further, I found the API section, I created an API key, and now I have the key token. Grafana is an excellent program to create very cool graphs and charts from your Home Assistant sensor data. Boann. test aussi en activant Skip TLS et activant Forward OAuth The setup was pretty much straight forward thanks to the good documentation out there, but when I tried to integrate the Grafana graphs using IFrame into Home Assistant and Lovelace, I almost instantly ran into problem. Je n’ai pas d’astuce pour le moment et ne me rappelle plus si j’avais était obligé de faire cela. Il est très bien adapté pour visualiser des mesures en provenance de capteurs ou d’objets connectés. It was working, but sending such a tremendous amount of data to the Home Assistant internal Db that it was growing very fast, which was far from ideal. To add the Webpage card to your user interface, click the Lovelace menu (three dots at the top right of the screen) and then Edit Dashboard. Since, we did not add any username/password to our database, we can simply add the following to our configuration.yaml (replace the IP address with that of the device running Docker) and restart Home Assistant to setup InfluxDB (you will have to fine tune it based on your preferences): Is there a way to bypass that in the code? I embedded charts from Grafana into iframe into my HTML page. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Pour rediriger un port, normalement ça se fait dans la box voire dans grafana, apparemment nous ne sommes pas les seuls avec ce soucis. février 2, 2021, 8:23pm #17. Home Assistant, Grafana and IFrame – Lucas TechBlog. Si qq1 passe par là, j’ai tjrs l’erreur 401… comme décrit plus haut. Il faut peut-être attendre la réponse de joajofl de ton 1er lien. InfluxDB is now the external database I am using for all of my Home Assistant related activities and Grafana is set up to take advantage of that database and produce beautiful charts. Now that InfluxDB has been configured, we need to install Grafana. Ask questions401 unauthorized on remote but not on local connection. Setup Docker and Portainer on Ubuntu. Je sais pas, je n’ai rien trouvé, Frenck a crée l’add on, il est déjà dans le fil de discussion, on va continuer a gratter en attendant la reponse de joajofl, @jybi89 ça ne viendrait pas de notre machine ? Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. You can also provide a link from the web. If you don't want to allow anonymous authentication, then the best option will be auth proxy, where you can implement own custom business logic for authentication. Help! Home Assistant Core release with the issue: Home Assistant 0.111.4; Last working Home Assistant Core release (if known): - Grafana and InfluxDB. Il y a 1 an ça fonctionnait et depuis le début de cette année l’erreur 401 apparaît. These next two containers were rolled out to really juice up my Home Assistant installation. Merci pour ton tuto. It is possible to keep important data as long as you want to, without performance impact using so-called Continuous Queries (they will be described in part 2). 1. Ça fonctionne mais lorsqu’on visualise pour la 1ère fois un graphique dans "aperçu ", l’erreur « 401 unauthorized » apparaît à la place du graphique. I looked around, but ended up creating my own Docker image based on this awesome Docker setup by Samuele Bistoletti, Sams’s does everything I need, but it comes installed with StatsD/Telegraf, and uses MySQL. On peut connecter Grafana à plusieurs sources de données : CloudWatch, ElasticSearch, Graphite, InfuxDB, OpenTSDB, Promotheus. Le problème est : à chaque connexion à HA, si l’on clique sur un graphique, l’erreur 401 apparaît… Pour que cela se passe bien, il faut s’y prendre en 2 temps : cliquer sur grafana et ensuite cliquer sur le graphique… Pour éviter ce désagrément, y a t il dans la confection du graphique dans grafana, une case pour dire à grafana de se lancer avant de lancer le graphique? I have test Nima Boobard methods ,but it has errer: Click here to upload your image Proposed changes Grafana has a number of configuration options that you can specify in a .ini configuration file or specified using environment variables.. This can also be installed using the add-on store. It kept asking me to enter un/pw in the iframe. Is this a setting in Grafana? This way I can keep my Lovelace clear from advanced statistics and still be able to access those from my home assistant instance when preferred. :white_check_mark: Installer et utiliser Grafana dans Home Assistant pour personnaliser vos graphiques, https://community.home-assistant.io/t/401-unauthorized-iframe-card-of-grafana-not-working-on-the-www-local-network-ok/148017/30?u=jybi89. I setup the Grafana in iframe and it all works from home or anywhere. Grafana is an excellent program to create very cool graphs and charts from your Home Assistant sensor data. Now, you need to configure Home Assistant to use InfluxDB. Monitoring the Kubernetes cluster which runs Home Assistant, Grafana, etc… from within Home Assistant. So i created it in Grafana with help of Telegraf, InfluxDb and made an iFrame in Home Assistant to view the data. Plugins allow you to extend and customize your Grafana. What’s this? Une idée pour corriger cette erreur? Moi c’est un RPI3B où HA est installé, j’ai un rpi4, SSD, ha supervised sur docker. I can't speak to it working from the Home Assistant cloud, but through a reverse proxy it's working fine. The panels are listed in the sidebar and can contain external resources like the web frontend of your router, your monitoring system, or your media server. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy, 2021 Stack Exchange, Inc. user contributions under cc by-sa, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57315587/how-to-authenticate-and-embedded-grafana-charts-into-iframe/60411578#60411578, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57315587/how-to-authenticate-and-embedded-grafana-charts-into-iframe/57382365#57382365. Follow edited Jul 24 '19 at 15:47. You can't embed sites using HTTP if you are using HTTPS for your Home Assistant. Seems to run a little better, but that will likely depend on hardware. What happened:What you expected to happen: I am using Hass.io (0.101.3) on a Raspberry 3b+ with the add-ons Grafana … panel_iframe: grafana: title: 'Grafana' url: !secret grafana_dashboard_url require_admin: true icon: mdi:chart-donut Is this supposed to be done inside the iframe, or outside? You will have full freedom with auth proxy setup how to pass auth info (JWT token, cookie, key) to the auth proxy and auth proxy will just add header(s) (e.g. Ou encore envoyer un mail à Franck le concepteur de Grafana pour lui énoncer notre souci. Il ya certainement une version de grafana ou influxdb qui fout la m…, Ok d’accord, je sais pas je n’utilise pas grafana pour le moment trop complexe hahaha, Pour répondre au tuto influxdb, en jouant avec les heures, il est possible d’afficher de base dans lovelace des graphiques à X jours (96h chez moi), Alors effectivement ça purge toutes les données à plus de X jours. r/homeassistant. Considering all the ways to configure HA, here we will use sub-domains to provide access to multiple services.. DuckDNS Addon I might add single sensors for specific values when I feel the need to. If you are using Grafana and want to embed graphs into your Home Assistant dahboards, then you will have to enable anonymous access to Grafana. Pour visualiser le graphique, il faut cliquer sur « grafana » dans le menu et revenir dans "aperçu " et là le graphique apparaît. Je cherche tjrs. je reimporte egalement l’url apres chaque modif pour une nouvelle carte web. Use of Grafana Dashboards in Lovelace iframe isn't possible if Grafana is access is using ingress as sometimes there is no valid session on the ingress controller. Home; Zyg.anteprimaimmobiliaresrl.it Find all latest health; Beowulf hyperdoc - zyg.anteprimaimmobiliaresrl.it. I embedded charts from Grafana into iframe into my HTML page. How to authenticate and embedded Grafana charts into iframe. Then put your bearer token into your request header of the ajax request. Step 4: Install Grafana. I can't imagine how can you use Ajax GET with basic auth to authenticate whole single page app (Grafana in this case). Hello. Ca marche depuis quelques heures chez moi. Grafana est un logiciel d’analyse et de visualisation de données qui dépendent du temps. Y a peut-être une case à cocher dans la conception d’un graphique pour dire à l’affichage du graphique de télécharger grafana avant d’afficher le graphique? From grafana settings, generate an API Key. Merci. This is because, right now, Home Assistant displays the Gafana graphs in an iframe and is not able to add any authentication. X-WEBAUTH-USER), which will be used as a user identity in Grafana. Restart Grafana and you should be able to see the Grafana dashboard. J’ai rencontré le même problème d’erreur 401 ce qui empêchait le graph de s’afficher. INSTALLAZIONE DI GRAFANA. Il faut peut-être attendre la réponse de joajofl de ton 1er lien. Ensuite ce png est appelé comme si il s’agissait d’une caméra. Guidelines about Home Assistant stack on Raspberry (from scratch) View on GitHub HTTPS Documentation. This is because, right now, Home Assistant displays the Gafana graphs in an iframe and is not able to add any authentication. Je vais regarder ton lien. Configuration. Which is Grafana.There’s a few ways to install Grafana, but because I’m using Home Assistant on my Synology NAS, I’m going to use Docker.. Et comment. est-ce que quelqu’un a déjà eu un fichier ip_bans qui se crée seul dans HA et qui empêche que l’on se connecte à HA ? Grafana.com is a central repository where the community can come together to discover and share plugins. You can't use API key for the GUI. Available for free at home-assistant.io. j’ai indiqué dans le 1 du screenshot mon user HA et value le mdp. Ok merci @jybi89 pour ton retour et bon ap… ici je viens de terminer. Home Public; Stack Overflow; Tags Users Find a Job; Jobs Companies Teams. tu as ma première piste avec le lien ci dessus. The second part is the interface. Je l’ai supprimé et j’arrive de nouveau à me reconnecter mais de temps en temps ce fichier revient !! I've also tried using the same command with my Home Assistant LLAT that works with other HA APIs, and with basic auth in the URL using a user/password that I created in Grafana. Bjr @McFly, Health Details: Beowulf displays this best when he fights Grendel and rips his arm from his body. The panel_iframe support allows you to add additional panels to your Home Assistant frontend. eyJrIjoiMnpVSVA*****QiOjF9. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Merci à toi. Is there a way to bypass that in the code? I have googled for hours and pursued different solutions but always ended up at a dead end. Par contre, lorsqu’on lance un graphique, peut-on lancer grafana automatiquement lorsqu’on lance le graphique? Ora potete riavviare Home Assistant . Patric. Environment. et je suis de nouveau bloqué !!! Une solution? Je n’ai rien vu dans sa doc. (max 2 MiB). Note that the CORS settings must be enable for the host website. foxbru. J’ai contourné le problème en installant le plugin Grafana Image Renderer qui permet de pouvoir obtenir un autre url où le graph est un png. Le graph prend un peu de temps à s’afficher (comme le rafraîchissement d’une caméra en fait) mais c’est fonctionnel, oui @Patric en effet c’est galere, surtout quand tu as des ecrans un peu partout dans la maison, il faut a chaque fois revenir ouvrir grafana ou avoir les graphs, sinon c’est 401… je cherche de mon coté également, j’ai trouvé ca : https://community.home-assistant.io/t/401-unauthorized-iframe-card-of-grafana-not-working-on-the-www-local-network-ok/148017/30?u=jybi89, mais je ne sais pas comment rediriger le port de l’url vers le 3000, Bjr @jybi89 ah enfin quelqu’un qui se préoccupe du problème. Note: You must restart Grafana for any configuration changes to take effect. Installate l’addon Grafana e avviatelo con il tasto START, controllate il LOG per vedere se è andato tutto bene. Bjr à tous, pour info j’ai tjrs le même pb. If not, just change your org role from Viewer to Editor: # specify role for unauthenticated users org_role = Editor Share. Hi! J’ai tjrs le pb. Home Assistant. D’avance merci. February 5, 2020 Lucas Hökerberg Leave a … https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57315587/how-to-authenticate-and-embedded-grafana-charts-into-iframe/66349038#66349038, Probably your html document doesn't have a div with id 'container'. J’ai crée une page lovelace de test, apres chaque modif je redemarre l’addon, je ferme et reouvre le navigateur avec un ptit ctrl+F5 To see all settings currently applied to the Grafana server, refer to View server settings.. Config file locations How do I use the key above 👆🏼 to embedded graphs in my iframe? To remove the default panels (Map, Logbook, and History) from Home Assisstant, first remove the default_config entry from configuration.yaml and then re-add each of the components which it loads (except for those you wish to exclude, of course). https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57315587/how-to-authenticate-and-embedded-grafana-charts-into-iframe/57473661#57473661. Windy weather radar as Webpage. First of all create the InfluxDb container with docker-compose: Once that is done, restart Home Assistant. So, recently I configured InfluxDB and Grafana in my Home Assistant setup (read more here how I have setup my… Continue Reading → Posted in: Home Automation Filed under: Grafana, Home Assistant, InfluxDB, MariaDB. It fails everywhere else. 99.1k. So, recently I configured InfluxDB and Grafana in my Home Assistant setup (read more here how I have setup my Home Assistant environment). If you are using Grafana and want to embed graphs into your Home Assistant dahboards, then you will have to enable anonymous access to Grafana. Une idée ? Improve this answer. mais là c’est apero time pipi et pizzas… dis moi si tu avances de ton coté, je continue tout à l’heure. If I open the URL from a browser where I've already opened the Grafana web UI from the addon page or sidebar, it works fine. Propulsé par Discourse, le rendu est meilleur quand JavaScript est activé. janvier 7, 2021, 12:53pm #1.

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