A debt validation letter highlights the amount of debt that a person owes and has to pay. A debt validation letter is nothing more than a letter that is sent to consumers to verify an existing debt by providing evidence of the claim. Also, look for statements that clearly support how the debt collector is calculating the amount of their claim. According to The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), a debt collector must send you written validation of debt within five days of contacting you. According to the FDCPA, if you request documentation from a debt collector to validate their claim against you, they are supposed to stop all collection activity until they provide you with that documentation. Send the debt validation letter via certified mail, return receipt requested, so that you have document that the collection agency received your correspondence. How much time does a creditor have to validate a debt? A debt validation letter is used to request this information and must be sent within 30 days of receiving the payment demand. If you're struggling financially and you could really use some *debt relief*, request a phone consultation today with one of our knowledgable and friendly staff to see if you qualify for debt settlement. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Debt collectors must send a validation letter giving info about the debt you’re being asked to pay. Today we’re going to demystify the debt validation letter by explaining: If a debt collector contacts you about an alleged past due balance, you have the right to dispute their claim and request proof you actually owe the money. After a Debt Validation Letter in California. Need Debt Relief? It can be effective but it’s not a magic one-size-fits-all solution for every situation. This is a request for proper validation of the above alleged debt. How about a debt buyer? Your email address will not be published. Sample Debt Validation Letter (Send via certified mail, return receipt requested) Date: Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Collection Agency Name Collection Agency Address Collection Agency City, State, Zip RE: Account # (Fill in Account Number) To Whom It May Concern: Be advised this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice that your claim is disputed and validation is requested. 1. Re: Your account number This letter is being sent in response to a [written notice or phone call] on March 2021.This is not a refusal to pay, but a request for debt validation. Here’s a great statute of limitations resource. This document contains information about the debt you owe, name of creditor, and date of the debt. This is usually done through a debt validation letter. The 3 most common scenarios for sending a debt validation letter to a creditor or collection agency are: Just because a debt collector claims you owe money it doesn’t mean it’s true. You should dispute a debt any time you feel the claim against you is inaccurate. Take our FREE Debt Assessment Quiz. 809 (b) that your claim is disputed and validation is requested. I sent a debt validation letter to a collection agency and it's been over 30 days and still I haven't received a response. They simply can’t contact you to try and collect that debt from you until they respond to your letter. Be advised that this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice sent pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692g Sec. A debt validation letter is a written request sent to the creditor or collection agency by the consumer requesting that they prove they can legally collect on the debt. You can find sample debt validation letters you can use on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website. People often confuse this validation request as a debt verification letter but it contains less information. The response is a debt verification notice, also called a Debt Validation Response Letter. Name Of Credit Bureau Address Of Credit Bureau City, State, Zip Code . When the debt collector receives the debt validation letter, they must stop all attempts to collect the debt until they have issued this proof. These letters, which any third-party debt collector must send by law, contain the amount someone owes on the debt and the name of the creditor in question. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62d6983b6e28176a Check the statute of limitations in your state. It is not recommended that the debt validation process be used when you know the debt is legitimate and your goal is to resolve the matter voluntarily and amicably. Technically, you can send a debt validation letter after the 30-day validation period. Debt collectors specialize in collecting debts – they call and send letters demanding payment. Debt Validation Letters are Sent by Debt Collectors. First contact refers to the first time a debt collector reaches out to you about a specific debt, whether that’s by phone or mail. You’ll have proof of delivery with a time stamp and the debt collector can never claim “gosh, we never received your debt validation request”. A debt validation letter is nothing more than a letter that is sent to consumers to verify an existing debt by providing evidence of the claim. These are companies like Equifax, Experian, and Transunion. When to use a debt validation letter … and when you shouldn’t. Within five days of its first communication to you, the debt collector is required to send a written debt validation notice to you. However, because the 30-day period has expired, the debt is assumed valid and the collector can still come after you for payment before they respond to your letter. You’ll notice this letter is much shorter and succinct than other sample debt validation letters you might find on the internet. It is recommended that the letter be sent by certified mail with a request for a return receipt. We've done the research and laid everything out on a platter for you. What if they successfully validate a debt? That’s by design. However, the debt collector isn't legally required to respond to your validation request. By Marie Megge  |  Last updated: January 30, 2021. Here are some scenarios when sending a debt validation letter is not recommended: Use the debt validation strategy judiciously. If you would like assistance with this, you are welcomed to contact us for assistance. Now what? Debt collector’s name Debt collector’s address. Do not admit to owing the debt or making any reference to payment. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) states a debt collector must provide you with proof of debt if you request it. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Debt validation letters and verification letters are two examples. We give you the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision on what's best for *you*. Composing a debt validation letter needn’t be complicated. Any party, an original creditor or a debt collector, can report a missed payment or other negative financial information to a credit bureau. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) guarantees that all consumers have the right to know how a debt was incurred, and a debt validation letter has this information. Check out 609 Credit repair https://609creditrepair.com/ where we have credit repair letters that work and help you dispute items on your credit report! If you are are disputing the validity of a debt — either in part or in full — it is your right to see documentation from the debt collector proving the validity of their claim. Prove your claim, otherwise close your file and go away.”. Sending a debt validation letter would help you be sure you're paying the right company for the right debt. Would A Debt Reduction of 40-60% (without filing bankruptcy) Solve Any Of Your Financial Problems? A debt verification letter is the letter you send to the debt collector if you are disputing the validity of their claim and you want them to provide you with proof that their claim is valid. Don’t let them try to baffle you with BS by printing gibberish on a page, then claim it “validates” your debt when it does no such thing. Kindly suspend all further collection activity until you are able to validate the above-referenced claim. If you feel your debt isn't valid, and this information doesn't apply to you, then you should send a Debt Validation Letter. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter in response to the phone call/letter received from you on (Date). However, after working nearly 15 years in the credit card industry, I can tell you that the term “debt validation letter” is used by nearly everyone — even though, technically, it’s a misnomer. Step 2 If you hear nothing from them, then you should send them a copy of the receipt, the debt validation letter, and another letter stating that in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) , you will not pay the debt. Here’s a debt validation letter template letter you can use: {DEBT COLLECTOR NAME} If you’ve been contacted by a collection agency, the collectors are required to send you a written notice within five days of the first contact. The debt validation strategy can be a useful tool for pushing back against debt collectors. Debt settlement can be a great alternative to bankruptcy, but it's not for everyone. Learn how your comment data is processed. But it needs to be used in the proper circumstance as described above for best results. Wait for 30 days for a detailed response. This guide saves you a boatload of time/effort in discovering your options. Grab a FREE copy of "The 5 Solutions For Excessive Credit Card Debt". Phone consultations are free, 100% confidential and there is never any obligation. Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt, 22 Ways To Save Money And Reduce Personal Debt, Credit Card Debt Settlement: FAQ (2020 Update). Your email address will not be published. It’s your right, pursuant to section 809 of the FDCPA. It's still fairly new since it's about a year old and it's from a cable company I thought I had everything squared away with. They brought me from owing $70,000 to being debt-free in 3 years.". If there’s any doubt, make them show you the appropriate paperwork to validate their alleged claim. {Your Name} As a payer, this makes you feel powerful. The documentation has to be legit. It is important to send your debt validation letter via certified mail because: Do not send your debt validation letter via email, fax or regular first class postal mail because there is no proof of delivery with these delivery methods. However, if the person thinks that they do not owe this debt then they can challenge it with a verification letter. Debt validation letter sample. Read our FREE guide "How To Decide If Debt Settlement Is Right For You". Find out if you qualify. When you send a debt validation letter, use certified mail with a return receipt requested, and keep a copy of your letter with the proof of mailing. You must send your letter within 30 days of the date on the notice you received to take advantage of the protections afforded to you by federal law. If it turns out the debt is legitimate and it’s still within the statute of limitations, it would probably be best to try and resolve the debt voluntarily via a lump sum discounted settlement amount or a payment plan. Yes. Discover which debt solution might be best *for you*. The notice should disclose the correct address to which you should send your letter disputing the validity of the debt. In some cases, the debt is not real, or the collector is not licensed to collect in your state. The debt collector is then required to respond to your validation request within 30 days of receiving it. Look for a contract or promissory with your valid signature whereby you’re acknowledging responsibility for the debt. Nothing really. What happens if a debt collector ignores your debt validation letter? Even though you’re required to send your debt validation letter within the first 30 days of being contacted by a creditor, there’s no time limit within which they have to respond. Technically, they are 2 different things: In a perfect world, the term “debt verification letter” (rather than a debt validation letter) would be used to describe the written correspondence to a debt collector requesting proof a debt is legit.

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