These actions abuse the Instagram system. Hi Isabella! For the caption, change that a little as well. Good luck on your finals, and I’m glad you dig the blog. Thanks! Very brutal. Keep us posted — your question seems to be the one everyone is asking lately. I am banned from liking, commenting, following, unfollowing. Unfollowing!) I’ve heard that others out there with similarly popular posts simply have to choose to not respond to everyone and only pick a few comments to reply to. Hello sir, thanks for giving reply. Lots of questions sorry! I tried to follow early that morning on 7/23, but I still received the “action blocked” message. Once you find the person you're looking for, click on their picture and name to enter his/her Instagram profile.You should be able to see his/her pictures. Hmph! All told, I don’t think we actually gained a single follower using third party software anyway (all we managed to do was grow the accounts of others), and in the end the action blocks cost us at least a few hundred followers. Of course, IG is known to change on a whim, and it’s possible if you weren’t grandfathered in before they unveiled dark mode, maybe they’ve cracked down on the practice. And yes, unfortunately you do lose followers during the ban, but my feeling is that this is “the Instagram churn” — that daily following/unfollowing. Yeah, Instagram seems to have caught on to that hack, so I don’t know if it really works any more (if it ever really worked at all). If your ban hasn’t been lifted by tomorrow night, let me know! He has deleted his account now since it’s no matter to him but I’m not sure if this has something to do with it. I could not like or comment or follow but shortly in 1 hr I went to see how manly follow request I had, it was a lot like 100 so I cancel only 5 request and then immediately my account go unbanned and I can like comment and follow. If the offenses continue to repeat, will Instagram disable your account? I’m just really stumped that your block would be extended for cancelling follow requests. This is actually the most helpful article I’ve read about the issue. You cannot extend an existing block by testing to see if the block is still in place. Currently blocked for a week after manually unfollowing too fast. That is really odd. The post is exhaustive and I appreciate the information. Sorry to hear this. I guess the silver lining is that your block will eventually be lifted, but I know it can be maddening because Instagram doesn’t explicitly tell you what you did wrong. You’re not the first we’ve heard from who mentioned something similar. I woke up this morning tried the same, still blocked. I’m just hoping that Instagram will not pull any tricks and lift the block on the expiry date. Hi Andrew, I don’t think there is much you can do but wait, unfortunately. Any ideas? I’ve only been following and unfollowing people before I go to sleep last week, so 200 following 200 unfollowing as that’s the max they allow at once anyways. Also, the Settings>>Follow Requests Data is a real eye opener – I have over 120 pending out there! The last thing we want to do is spread bad advice. Isn’t that what the blog is supposed to be about? Or is it because someone hacked my account? But from the app on my phone, I have no issues. Good luck! Are you always using the same phone or computer when the ban happens? If so, try changing your password or just logging out and back in. So, I currently serving a follow block. I think Insta probably frowns on that, although I commend you for your human tripod qualities, lol. Only to check unfollowers but don’t action from it. Of course, if it makes you feel better to rant, then by all means proceed. “Action blocked for sharing my account with a service that goes against their community guidelines it will expire 2019-11-26 So what shall I do in this situation? If the block gets lifted and you want to try commenting again on that post, I’d say you’re going to have to get very creative with your replies. Were you given a date for when the block would end? I learned that you can do this both on a smartphone and a desktop computer, but desktop is going to be way easier. If you get one of those pop-up message like the screenshot in the point 6 (the Action Block), use the ‘Tell Us’ button to tell Instagram that they’ve made a mistake. Instagram’s action blocking algorithm is apparently judging you not just by the quantity of unfollows but also by the speed. Still, I thought I’d found something that was starting to work. Facebook Icon. Conclusions on solving the Instagram follow block But I don’t use any kind of third party app or bots. If you then go and look at who else these bots are following, you’ll find yourself sucked into the darkest corners of Instagram with people who must be incredibly lonely. Sounds like you have a device block, but it’s hard to say what caused it. Yes, from our experience the ban does lift on the date listed. 3. If you’re putting out good content regularly (which I think we were doing a decent job – judge for yourself at ), you’ve done your best with hash tags and you’re still not gaining followers, it poses the question: Does anyone out there really care, and is Instagram’s model more broken than ever? I think it’s when you get too hyper on the following/unfollowing that lands you in jail. It sucks. Based on your previous messages, I’ll check again right at the hour I was banned. But how do I do that without getting blocked again? It is actually right down to the minute. Also after the bad expires is it easier to get banned again or there are about the same ban “limits”? The ONLY thing I can possibly think of is that you’ve gotten a lot of comments on some of your posts, which is great! It said it would end on Dec 28th, it is now Dec 29th in Australia but I assume it means Dec 28 in USA. You should be fine — I really don’t think they’ll delete your account for overfollowing. I think IG intends to block you for a week or two, but for whatever reason they’re now doing it this way where you think your ban expires… and then you’re suddenly banned again. I flirted with the long arm of the Instagram Community Guidelines and got the book thrown at us. Instagram’s action block ban is time-based, and the length of your punishment is based on the severity of your crime. Let us know if it doesn’t lift today. As I’ve mentioned in my video, I’ve been working on a video/ article about the best hashtag practices, but since a lot of people are complaining about problems with action blocks, I’ve decided to address this issue first. I had hope after seeing this post that my ban would be lifted yesterday or after midnight last night (at my three week mark). Proxies are cheap — a few bucks a month. I’ve optimized your attachment image with alt text so search engines can find it easier. When I want to follow I have blocked action. It’s not really my cup of tea, but I think it’s a good idea to spread your reach across different platforms. We’ve been hearing about this issue a lot. Good luck! If you keep tinkering with automation, start out at the slowest possible settings and be sure to run it only about half the day, maybe even less than that to start. what affects the action limits and how to increase it, how to do follow unfollow method in depth, growing from 0 to 10k using follow-unfollow method. A ban for multiple weeks certainly doesn’t seem warranted. You’re the second person who has mentioned this happening, and I was stumped by that one as well. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. I also don’t do the follow/unfollow routine – have followed like 6 people total since the first block was lifted, mostly following back people who followed me, and haven’t unfollowed any at all. Did your block give you a date when it will expire? What you do have to do is change your ways. Thanks for stopping by. I guess so. I’m scratching my head on this one. Help me! Hey Andrew, great blog! The behavior is simply too artificial or suspects a bot. Not sure if any of that will help, but let me know if it does. The shadowban is REAL! Hi Talia. It points to a serious problem with Instagram. It’s been a week since my account got “soft” banned. One week after the ban was lifted, our account began to recover from a growth perspective. Yes. Once you block them, they won’t be able to find your account. @kishorekmr65 my insta! I cant even cancel pending request If i try i get the same action blocked pop up? Let us know in the comments!). Hi, i’ve been blocked for a week now and they gave me an expiry date which is today (4 january 2020) but nothing happened, i’m still blocked and I can’t do any activity on Instagram. Wrong. Don’t unfollow more than 50 in an hour, and no more than 200 in a day. However this time I got blocked for automation and “help with likes and followers” after allegedly having “share my information” with said apps! I have the same issue, says it ends today, but i’m still blocked.. Apparently I’m blocked??.. BUT, we did this, and our days-long action block ended early. If you are just a regular user, and you absolutely did nothing wrong, make sure to report a problem to Instagram, and your action block is going to be fixed most of the times. For example if I block someone or unfollow someone, that means I must follow one less person that hour? I’ve recently been action blocked again for a week now and it’s supposed to expire today 2019-11-26 at 8am when I first noticed it but it hasn’t.I logged out of my account and it’s still not working I’m glad that worked! Botting is hard , they say. If anyone thinks artificial intelligence is going to be perfected in the science realm, I think maybe they’re wrong — haha, it’s going to be perfected by the botters trying to game social media! I would normally suspect her account has been disabled, but if it had been disabled I don’t think you’d be able to see her profile. I don’t think it’s the end of botting — I see it as more of an arms race. The block notice said it would be expiring today. Loved your comment, and thanks for your insights! Hang in there and let us know how it goes! Probably for performing too many actions in one go. Just a good reminder for me to not invest too much effort on someone else’s platform. The page that’s been #1 in this niche, stopped using fan page strategy (I’m going to cover this in the future) and their growth reduced by almost 70%. With that said, the action blocked showed on my desktop is one that is without expiry date. The real kicker is that, after a few days, I unfollowed those who weren’t following back, and it turns out that I had several private accounts in there who had accepted my follow request but hadn’t followed back. I am unsure whether I will still be able to upload any new posts as usual, even though it looks like I am only getting the “Action Blocked” message when I tried to like other people’s posts yesterday evening. is there a way to not be blocked? Hello sorry last pic sent was fist time I got in the app, now nothing can be seen except my profile pic, I clearly block, on the laptop I can read :instagram. I got action blocked from sending Direct Messages near New Years, after messaging some people about some artwork stuff (only 3 people, in an hour). The first block was for 48 hours, and I’m trying to work out if there’s any way to predict the length of this one (the answer is probably no, but…). Do you mind checking out my account if you can see anything that might set off a red flag? Wait anywhere from 1 hour to a week for the soft ban to be lifted. When I want to like the photo I have blocked action. Yes, I don’t quite understand what Instagram is trying to prove by blocking users simply for liking photos. I got curious, so I began to dig around to see who was following this person. Write to Instagram. And I had a similar experience that you detailed. So, i know that Im not the only one alone stranded in this crazy new algorithm of instagram. Thanks for this article! If you’re certain the time of day has passed, then I would suggest logging out of all of your accounts and logging back in. I think I could probably push those limits quite a bit, but since I’ve been bitten twice now I’m treading softly. thank you!!! What I also noticed is that testing the block to see if it has ended just extends its lenght. I’d say between now and Aug. 24 be sure to change your password. Hi Natalia! It’s hard to know for sure how long it will last, but I haven’t heard of a ban lasting longer than 4 weeks. Happy ‘gramming . It says i will be blocked on the 19th of October which is today however I’m not? Thank you. What you might have to worry about is if you followed private profiles. on a mobile device, then IP blocking might be the problem. This time was really weird though — I didn’t get the action block until hours later, so I’m suspecting someone may have reported me? A lot of people using bots have already switched from Instagram to other social media platforms, and a lot more will probably also switch in the future, which means much less competition for people who are doing things manually, using right methods. I have “Action blocked” already for a month and have no idea when it will end. I also tried uninstalling that third-party app but the problem continues. If you’ve been banned from following other accounts, you’ve likely done one of a few things: 1) You followed way too many people too quickly, or, 2) you unfollowed too many accounts at once, or. And is the block on all your devices or just your phone? That is a head scratcher, and I’m afraid I’ve never heard of that. That’s really strange! Have you heard of that before? We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. I took a look at your gallery and everything seems to be normal. I got my iPhone replaced downloaded the backup and did a giveaway post and got banned immediately. I wonder if the penalty time starts over fresh every time I try following someone again? I hope it’s will not 20 days, but I am really worried…. I appreciate your time. If you come across the message ‘you’re temporarily blocked’ or ‘action blocked’ then you must not get disheartened.. In my opinion, these action blocks and limits are not a bad thing, let me explain why. It’ll be about 20 days now, and I’m still blocked from sending direct messages. Can I do anything? I’m at @jenricetravel. Hours later, I logged back in, saw someone had followed us, so I tried to follow back. I haven’t personally used Followmeter, but from previous experience with other apps you should be safe to log in again. I’m on an action block. I send to you the e-mail but I see not only me has a action blocked from unfollowing. But I also post pictures…less than before since they are without captions.. at least for my followers. Logging out and back it doesn’t work for me,what should I do? Are you perhaps in a country other than the U.S.? Hopefully it was just a fluke. It’s not fair at all. Just add like a period between your first and last name. And yes, you can still browse during the block. First about the posting. If I follow too many people again will my account get deleted or I’ll be temporarily blocked? I’m so sorry, that has to be super frustrating! Why Can’t Twitter Stop Trump’s Hateful Tweets About Ilhan Omar? Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world. Good luck and keep us posted! Remember if Instagram has blocked you then it will take some time to unblock account. But no, I quickly found dozens of accounts following this person, and for each account their posts were all essentially the same five pictures. As for this recurring block, I think it’s kind of a bug. I’ve been action blocked recently for about a week,its supposed to end today 2019-11-26 at 8am(this is when I first got it) but it still hasn’t Keep me posted on how it goes. Hopefully you get this settled soon without too much trouble ? That’s strange. They’re Not Sharing, Reddit’s Automoderator Is the Future of the Internet, and Deeply Imperfect. If you've been blocked, you won't be allowed to follow the person. Still, a few times shouldn’t get you blocked. If you look at Instagram’s JSON data feed for your account, the platform believes you are only as relevant as your twelve most recent posts. The stage is basically married to underscore visual-based enormous and inventive pictures. That’s what got us pinched for the third time, but it only lasted 4 and a half days. One final thing … I don’t do them often, but as long as I’m back up ok I was going to post a giveaway In October, people have to like and tag two friends… any potential issue? I think what initially landed us in jail was my plan to follow everyone and like everything, haha! They won’t appear as someone you’re following until they accept your request. If you were using an app for automated follow/unfollow tasks like us, this activity is probably what landed you in jail. have you got unblock yet, if yes. Can you share more thoughts on this? Especially when you’re new and you know nothing about why did it happen. Can you please tell what might be the problem? Hi Dan! And how do I use it so I don’t get blocked again? And her profile showing only number of post, followers and following but I can’t see her posts. Then I’m breaking up my unfollow activity by anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and no more than roughly 40 at a time. Wanna get rid of them. I’m not sure if it’s easier to get banned, but it definitely feels that way. I've also been reporting the issue and have received no response from Instagram. I have been blocked from liking, commenting, following & publishing any new posts it’s been a week now and the ban is suppose to have expired today but it’s still in action??? All I know is that my block was lifted not long after I cancelled almost 90 requests, which I did all at once. My account won’t let me like or comment on anyone’s post!!! To be sure, log in from another laptop or desktop. That’s difficult then because how can you know when you are unbanned?? If so, take it somewhere and connect to Wi-Fi. I got action block with no date. It sounds like a pain, honestly, but that’s probably what you’ll have to do going forward if you’re doing a lot of liking, following, etc. Hi Helen! It said it would expire today (3 days later) does that mean I have to wait for the exact time? Giving product and contact information is much easier through the computer and we have been unable to do such for approximately 3 weeks. Hang in there! So sorry to hear that. I tried changing my password and logging on from mobile data for a change in IP address but no luck. I’ve logged out of followmeter, is it safe to logged in back to the app? I don’t know where I just commented but I’m gonna do it here too just in case… I got action blocked by y following too many people too fast and having “third party apps” I think. I hope they refine their algorithm soon, since support is out the window seeing how overwhelming the userbase size is. The second reason might make you scratch your head. I can also follow more than 6500 new people per months, while now u can just get 6500 per month! Waiting 3 days, changing my password and bam – banned again!! Currently doing paid traffic AM, Instagram marketing, ecom and building my personal brand — Equals Cash. You might try logging out and back in to see if it works. Every other post out there from what I can see Is dated by at least a year. fancy showing me one of these emails’ lol the refund was back in my account and he refunded me the £20! like 250 ouch. You will not see their profile in search, and you will not see their posts or Stories in your feed. @themagicalozfamily. I’ve checked once again this morning after logging back in and I have no Luck.Im still blocked And if it doesn’t lift at that time what do I do? Hang in there! Methods I’m going to mention later usually have pretty low success rate with this type of action blocks and your best bet is to wait it out. It’s hard to say. I can’t be 100% sure if it will actually extend your block if someone accepts your follow request, but that seemed to be the case with us. Thank you! Can it will be recover? Hey mate, I got a temporarily ban till 14-8-19 which is today and it’s stil not lifted, any idea what I can do? Wow! They can’t. They’ll just have to get more sophisticated to remain viable. I did what you had advised by logging out of my Instagram Account (@trevorholohan1976) earlier this morning. That where i see “action blocked” without no specific dates.

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