[77], As a natural force, the wind was often personified as one or more wind gods or as an expression of the supernatural in many cultures. Roofs severely stripped; mobile homes overturned or badly damaged; loss of exterior doors; windows and other glass broken. Boarhunt was burh funta the spring by the fort. [5] The gradient wind is similar to the geostrophic wind but also includes centrifugal force (or centripetal acceleration). Emsworth was Emel's worth. Isotachs are particularly useful in diagnosing the location of the jet stream on upper-level constant pressure charts, and are usually located at or above the 300 hPa level.[26]. Directly under the subtropical ridge are the doldrums, or horse latitudes, where winds are lighter. [162] On Uranus, northern hemisphere wind speeds reach as high as 240 meters per second (540 mph) near 50 degrees north latitude. Unlike the Westerlies, these prevailing winds blow from the east to the west, and are often weak and irregular. East Grinstead was east green place. Congleton was cung hill (round hill) tun. [61]Wind power has expanded quickly, its share of worldwide electricity usage at the end of 2014 was 3.1%. [107] Loess is a homogeneous, typically nonstratified, porous, friable, slightly coherent, often calcareous, fine-grained, silty, pale yellow or buff, windblown (Aeolian) sediment. "[87], There are many different forms of sailing ships, but they all have certain basic things in common. The airflow can remain turbulent and erratic for some distance downwind into the flatter countryside. Erosion can be the result of material movement by the wind. [93], For aerodynamic aircraft which operate relative to the air, winds affect groundspeed,[94] and in the case of lighter-than-air vehicles, wind may play a significant or solitary role in their movement and ground track. Compton a common village name was cumb tun or valley farm. Within the Beaufort scale, gale-force winds lie between 28 knots (52 km/h) and 55 knots (102 km/h) with preceding adjectives such as moderate, fresh, strong, and whole used to differentiate the wind's strength within the gale category. Outside the tropics and aloft from frictional effects of the surface, the large-scale winds tend to approach geostrophic balance. [68], Sound movement through the atmosphere is affected by wind shear, which can bend the wave front, causing sounds to be heard where they normally would not, or vice versa. In Europe, similar winds are known as the Bora, Tramontane, and Mistral. The larger the WPD calculation, the higher it is rated by class. [57] In California, downslope winds are funneled through mountain passes, which intensify their effect, and examples include the Santa Ana and sundowner winds. [128], Cattle and sheep are prone to wind chill caused by a combination of wind and cold temperatures, when winds exceed 40 kilometers per hour (25 mph), rendering their hair and wool coverings ineffective. Such windblown sand causes extensive damage to plant seedlings because it ruptures plant cells, making them vulnerable to evaporation and drought. 1 – Surface Weather Observations and Reports September 2005, "Section 2. These hex values are non official approximate values intended to simulate the BS 4800 extensions in HTML: [101] Oil is being saved by using wind for powering cargo ships by use of the mechanical energy converted from the wind's kinetic energy using very large kites. When a difference in atmospheric pressure exists, air moves from the higher to the lower pressure area, resulting in winds of various speeds. In coastal areas the sea breeze/land breeze cycle can define local winds; in areas that have variable terrain, mountain and valley breezes can dominate local winds. [163][164][165] At the cloud tops of Neptune, prevailing winds range in speed from 400 meters per second (890 mph) along the equator to 250 meters per second (560 mph) at the poles. [79] Aeolus, in varying interpretations the ruler or keeper of the four winds, has also been described as Astraeus, the god of dusk who fathered the four winds with Eos, goddess of dawn. [120] The classic examples of these dispersal mechanisms include dandelions (Taraxacum spp., Asteraceae), which have a feathery pappus attached to their seeds and can be dispersed long distances, and maples (Acer (genus) spp., Sapindaceae), which have winged seeds and flutter to the ground. Thorpe was a Danish word, which meant a hamlet or little settlement, which depended on a bigger settlement nearby. Globally, the two major driving factors of large-scale wind patterns (the atmospheric circulation) are the differential heating between the equator and the poles (difference in absorption of solar energy leading to buoyancy forces) and the rotation of the planet. Below is a summary of the classifications used by Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers worldwide: The Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF Scale) rates the strength of tornadoes in the United States by using damage to estimate wind speed. [144] The most powerful gusts of wind on Earth were created by nuclear detonations. Even a soft wind will cause a low level of environmental noise. (The South Downs were the South Duns). [111] Over 50% of the African dust that reaches the United States affects Florida. [126], Wind can also cause plants damage through sand abrasion. This may be caused by the wind blowing over cavities, or by vortices created in the air downstream of an object. [17] Remote sensing techniques for wind include SODAR, Doppler lidars and radars, which can measure the Doppler shift of electromagnetic radiation scattered or reflected off suspended aerosols or molecules, and radiometers and radars can be used to measure the surface roughness of the ocean from space or airplanes. [50] Wind direction also changes because of the contour of the land. [19] A storm has winds of 56 knots (104 km/h) to 63 knots (117 km/h). Hills and valleys substantially distort the airflow by increasing friction between the atmosphere and landmass by acting as a physical block to the flow, deflecting the wind parallel to the range just upstream of the topography, which is known as a barrier jet. [136] Elk have a keen sense of smell that can detect potential upwind predators at a distance of 0.5 miles (800 m). The pilot must adjust the airspeed to deal with the effect of the gradient. [82] Stribog is the name of the Slavic god of winds, sky and air. Winds have various aspects: velocity (wind speed); the density of the gas involved; energy content or wind energy. Chichester was Cissa's ceaster. [117] Spring storm systems moving across the eastern Mediterranean Sea cause dust to carry across Egypt and the Arabian peninsula, which are locally known as Khamsin. A new theory on how water vapor condensation influences atmospheric pressure and dynamics", Federal Meteorological Handbook No. Cassini–Huygens data indicated peak easterly winds of 375 meters per second (840 mph). [76] The thermal wind concept explains how differences in wind speed with height are dependent on horizontal temperature differences, and explains the existence of the jet stream. The results of the above calculation are included in an index developed by the National Renewable Energy Lab and referred to as "NREL CLASS". First, wind causes small particles to be lifted and therefore moved to another region. In several countries it has achieved relatively high levels of penetration, accounting for approximately 19% of electricity production in Denmark, 10% in Spain and Portugal, and 7% in Germany and the Republic of Ireland in 2008. Place names - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary These were vertical-axle windmills, which had long vertical driveshafts with rectangle shaped blades. Using the concept of stream tube, the maximal achievable extraction of wind power by a wind turbine is .mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px;white-space:nowrap}16/27 ≈ 59% of the total theoretical wind power[27] (see: Betz' law). It takes into account wind velocity and mass. Bristol was brigg stowe, the meeting place by the bridge. [40] These western ocean currents transport warm, sub-tropical water polewards toward the polar regions. This barrier jet can increase the low-level wind by 45%. Within the tropics, thermal low circulations over terrain and high plateaus can drive monsoon circulations. (It could also mean an area of dry land surrounded by marshy land). The wind barb shows the speed using "flags" on the end. The movement of air causes movements of parts of natural objects, such as leaves or grass. This type of gas loss from a planet into space is known as planetary wind. English proper nouns have special rules. The kinetic energy of a packet of air of mass m with velocity v is given by ½ m v2. In addition, the wind speed also increases with the altitude. Wind powers the voyages of sailing ships across Earth's oceans. It gave its name to Hampshire, which was originally Hamtun shire. [18] There are general terms that differentiate winds of different average speeds such as a breeze, a gale, a storm, or a hurricane. This is most likely on windward slopes of mountains, with severe cases generally occurring to tree stands that are 75 years or older. When high winds knock down or uproot trees, the process is known as windthrow. Stow or stowe is usually derived from stowe, which meant meeting place. Its presence negatively impacts air quality by adding to the count of airborne particulates. The fastest wind ever recorded is coming from the accretion disc of the IGR J17091-3624 black hole. [6], Wind direction is usually expressed in terms of the direction from which it originates. A rudimentary windmill was used to power an organ in the first century CE. Narborough in Leicestershire was nor (north) burh. Hot air balloons use the wind to take short trips, and powered flight uses it to increase lift and reduce fuel consumption. [80] Fūjin is the Japanese wind god and is one of the eldest Shinto gods. Clopp meant a short hill. [113] Dust events have been linked to a decline in the health of coral reefs across the Caribbean and Florida, primarily since the 1970s. In arid climates, the main source of erosion is wind. This is usually derived from the word 'cumb', which meant valley. [96], Historically, the ancient Sinhalese of Anuradhapura and in other cities around Sri Lanka used the monsoon winds to power furnaces as early as 300 BCE. [157] When the poles of Mars are exposed to sunlight after their winter, the frozen CO2 sublimates, creating significant winds that sweep off the poles as fast as 400 kilometers per hour (250 mph), which subsequently transports large amounts of dust and water vapor over its landscape. Surface friction also causes winds to blow more inward into low-pressure areas. Entire stories of well-constructed houses destroyed; severe damage to large buildings such as shopping malls; trains overturned; trees debarked; heavy cars lifted off the ground and thrown; structures with weak foundations are badly damaged. Preston was priest's tun (farm or estate). This causes a pressure gradient of about 2 millibars from the ocean to the land. The term is first known to have been used as the name of a pair or series of typhoons that are said to have saved Japan from two Mongol fleets under Kublai Khan that attacked Japan in 1274 and again in 1281. The westerlies can be particularly strong, especially in the southern hemisphere, where there is less land in the middle latitudes to cause the flow pattern to amplify, which slows the winds down. It is usually derived from the Saxon words sud tun, which meant south farm. My Youtube video about English place names. A squall is an increase of the wind speed above a certain threshold, which lasts for a minute or more. In mountainous parts of the world subjected to relatively consistent winds (for example, the trade winds), a more moist climate usually prevails on the windward side of a mountain than on the leeward or downwind side. Large families of plants are pollinated in this manner, which is favored when individuals of the dominant plant species are spaced closely together. Theoretical power captured by a wind turbine, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. The sea is warmed by the sun more slowly because of water's greater specific heat compared to land. [135] Cockroaches use slight winds that precede the attacks of potential predators, such as toads, to survive their encounters. Your name is a proper noun. The study showed that the seedlings responded to the damage created by the windblown sand abrasion by shifting energy from stem and root growth to the growth and repair of the damaged stems. In the Anglo-Saxon language the word hamm meant water meadow. [108] It generally occurs as a widespread blanket deposit that covers areas of hundreds of square kilometers and tens of meters thick. Boarhunt was burh funta the spring by the fort. [79] There are also four dvärgar (Norse dwarves), named Norðri, Suðri, Austri and Vestri, and probably the four stags of Yggdrasil, personify the four winds, and parallel the four Greek wind gods. Coventry was Coffa's tree. [41] The Westerlies play an important role in carrying the warm, equatorial waters and winds to the western coasts of continents,[42][43] especially in the southern hemisphere because of its vast oceanic expanse. At night, the land cools off more quickly than the ocean because of differences in their specific heat values. State Department Names Poet and English Professor Rita Dove a ‘Trailblazer’ ARTICLE DATE ARTICLE AUTHOR AUTHOR EMAIL. High winds scour away thin soils through erosion,[123] as well as damage limbs and twigs. At the end of a name wick sometimes meant trading place e.g. [33] Its poleward progression is accelerated by the development of a heat low over the Asian, African, and North American continents during May through July, and over Australia in December. [149] Such a process over geologic time causes water-rich planets such as the Earth to evolve into planets like Venus. Through these, the little ones can get to know the tools names in English, as they have fun with practical activities. Sutton is a common place name in England. This is a common place name. [148], The hydrodynamic wind within the upper portion of a planet's atmosphere allows light chemical elements such as hydrogen to move up to the exobase, the lower limit of the exosphere, where the gases can then reach escape velocity, entering outer space without impacting other particles of gas. [79] Venti are the Roman gods of the winds. February 18, 2021. Westerly winds in the mid-latitudes of the planet drive the movement of ocean currents from west to east across the world's oceans. This is usually a corruption of denu, which meant a little valley. [153] Planets require large magnetic fields in order to reduce the ionization of their upper atmosphere by the solar wind. Wind speeds during downslope wind effect can exceed 160 kilometers per hour (99 mph).[58]. So, we find that the total wind energy is: Differentiating with respect to time to find the rate of increase of energy, we find that the total wind power is: Wind power is thus proportional to the third power of the wind velocity. Swanmore was swan mere or swan pond. Flow of gases on a large scale of the wind cycle. Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale. Wind causes the generation of sound. Sustained wind speeds are reported globally at a 10 meters (33 ft) height and are averaged over a 10‑minute time frame. [88] Ocean journeys by sailing ship can take many months,[89] and a common hazard is becoming becalmed because of lack of wind,[90] or being blown off course by severe storms or winds that do not allow progress in the desired direction. One study indicates that an entirely renewable energy supply based on 70% wind is attainable at today's power prices by linking wind farms with an HVDC supergrid. At the beginning of a name, like Wickham, in Hampshire its derived from the Roman word 'vicus', which meant vicinity. (It often meant an 'island' of dry land surrounded by marshy land). These are usually derived from the Saxon word 'eg', which meant either island or promontory. Each full flag depicts 10 knots (19 km/h) of wind. Field is usually a corruption of 'feld' which meant open land (without trees). Their cerci are very sensitive to the wind, and help them survive half of their attacks. Narborough in Leicestershire was nor (north) burh.. BY Southampton was hamm tun then Hamtun. When dust from the Sahara moving around the southern periphery of the ridge within the belt of trade winds moves over land, rainfall is suppressed and the sky changes from a blue to a white appearance, which leads to an increase in red sunsets. [60] Although wind produced only about 1.5% of worldwide electricity use in 2009,[60] it is growing rapidly, having doubled in the three years between 2005 and 2008. [122], Wind also limits tree growth. [119], Wind dispersal of seeds, or anemochory, is one of the more primitive means of dispersal. At airports, windsocks indicate wind direction, and can also be used to estimate wind speed by the angle of hang. [97] The furnaces were constructed on the path of the monsoon winds to exploit the wind power, to bring the temperatures inside up to 1,200 °C (2,190 °F). Prest is usually a corruption of 'priest's'. Nowadays, a yardstick used to determine the best locations for wind energy development is referred to as wind power density (WPD). Avon is the old Celtic word for river. Wind occurs on a range of scales, from thunderstorm flows lasting tens of minutes, to local breezes generated by heating of land surfaces and lasting a few hours, to global winds resulting from the difference in absorption of solar energy between the climate zones on Earth. An example is the formation of sand dunes, on a beach or in a desert. Most of the these colors are recognized in the UK, and often used to meet safety, legal or contractual requirements. Found at the end of some names try is derived from the Saxon word for tree. Pen occurs in many Cornish names. [134], Pikas use a wall of pebbles to store dry plants and grasses for the winter in order to protect the food from being blown away. Second, these suspended particles may impact on solid objects causing erosion by abrasion (ecological succession). When winds become strong, trees and human-made structures are damaged or destroyed. [7] Weather vanes pivot to indicate the direction of the wind. Stour probably meant strong (strongly flowing). On the surface of the Earth, wind consists of the bulk movement of air. These conditions are dangerous to ascending and descending airplanes. [105], During mid-summer (July in the northern hemisphere), the westward-moving trade winds south of the northward-moving subtropical ridge expand northwestward from the Caribbean into southeastern North America. Toft is an old Scandinavian word for house. However in the middle of a name ing usually comes from 'inga', which meant belonging to e.g. [28] The strongest winds are in the mid-latitudes where cold polar air meets warm air from the tropics. Wind energy is the kinetic energy of the air in motion. These are usually derived from the word stede, which meant place. A frith was a forest where the right to hunt animals was reserved for the king or a noble. In New Zealand, they are known as the Nor'west arch, and are accompanied by the cloud formation they are named after that has inspired artwork over the years. [81] In Norse mythology, Njörðr is the god of the wind. The station model plotted on surface weather maps uses a wind barb to show both wind direction and speed. THE ORIGIN OF SOME ENGLISH PLACE NAMES. The Cornish word 'penn' meant headland. As the glider descends through the wind gradient on final approach to landing, airspeed decreases while sink rate increases, and there is insufficient time to accelerate prior to ground contact. Hamm tun meant hamlet by the water meadow. In gliding, wind gradients just above the surface affect the takeoff and landing phases of flight of a glider. This comes from the Scandinavian word for island 'holmr'. The Calima carries dust on southeast winds into the Canary islands. On coasts and isolated mountains, the tree line is often much lower than in corresponding altitudes inland and in larger, more complex mountain systems, because strong winds reduce tree growth. EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Nouns: Proper Nouns Proper Nouns. [59] At the end of 2008, worldwide nameplate capacity of wind-powered generators was 120.8 gigawatts. They are useful for simplifying the atmospheric equations of motion and for making qualitative arguments about the horizontal and vertical distribution of winds. [92] Sailing ships can only carry a certain quantity of supplies in their hold, so they have to plan long voyages carefully to include appropriate provisions, including fresh water. Short bursts of high speed wind are termed gusts. Except for rotor ships using the Magnus effect, every sailing ship has a hull, rigging and at least one mast to hold up the sails that use the wind to power the ship. The wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure. Color-coded maps are prepared for a particular area are described as, for example, "mean annual power density at 50 meters". Strong winds will pick up loose sand and topsoil and hurl it through the air at speeds ranging from 25 miles per hour (40 km/h) to 40 miles per hour (64 km/h). [121] Reliance upon wind dispersal is common among many weedy or ruderal species. [64] Wind shear can be broken down into vertical and horizontal components, with horizontal wind shear seen across weather fronts and near the coast,[65] and vertical shear typically near the surface,[66] though also at higher levels in the atmosphere near upper level jets and frontal zones aloft. While taking off with a tailwind may be necessary under certain circumstances, a headwind is generally desirable. [14] Knowing the wind sampling average is important, as the value of a one-minute sustained wind is typically 14% greater than a ten-minute sustained wind. A proper noun is the special word that we use for a person, place or organization, like John, Marie, London, France or Sony. because the church was made of white stone. To find the mass of the packet passing through an area A perpendicular its velocity (which could be the rotor area of a turbine), we multiply its volume after time t has passed with the air density ρ, which gives us m = A v t ρ. Unusual mechanisms of wind dispersal include tumbleweeds. [53] Winds that flow over mountains down into lower elevations are known as downslope winds. When wind gusts are at a similar frequency to the swaying of the bridge, the bridge can be destroyed more easily, such as what occurred with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940. Don is usually derived from the word 'dun', which meant hill. Mailing list, collection of names and addresses to send material to multiple recipients; Shopping list, a list of things to buy; Task list, sometimes a to-do list, a prioritization strategy for time management; Computing. This will help you when talking about jobs that need to be done and the tools that can be used to do them as well as being extremely useful for times when you need to request a tool for a job. Strong updrafts, downdrafts, and eddies develop as the air flows over hills and down valleys. [63], Wind shear, sometimes referred to as wind gradient, is a difference in wind speed and direction over a relatively short distance in the Earth's atmosphere. Each half of a flag depicts 5 knots (9.3 km/h) of wind. I was often corrupted to weald and it appears in many place names as 'wold'. Australia's Barrow Island holds the record for the strongest wind gust, reaching 408 km/h (253 mph) during tropical cyclone Olivia on 10 April 1996, surpassing the previous record of 372 km/h (231 mph) set on Mount Washington (New Hampshire) on the afternoon of 12 April 1934. [51], If there is a pass in the mountain range, winds will rush through the pass with considerable speed because of the Bernoulli principle that describes an inverse relationship between speed and pressure. For example, a northerly wind blows from the north to the south. The strongest observed winds on a planet in the Solar System occur on Neptune and Saturn. The wind is also an important means of transportation for seeds and small birds; with time things can travel thousands of miles in the wind. In those days trees were sometimes used as meeting places. Wind affects animals' food stores, as well as their hunting and defensive strategies. Kettering was Ketter ingas, the people of Ketter. Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology. In meteorology, winds are often referred to according to their strength, and the direction from which the wind is blowing. The BS 4800 also includes 22 additional bright colors to reflect the latest trends for public buildings. [158] Other Martian winds have resulted in cleaning events and dust devils. Wind pressures are positive on the windward side of a structure and negative on the leeward side. In coastal regions, sea breezes and land breezes can be important factors in a location's prevailing winds. Areas of wind shear caused by various weather phenomena can lead to dangerous situations for aircraft. An important constraint on wind dispersal is the need for abundant seed production to maximize the likelihood of a seed landing in a site suitable for germination. In Argentina, the local name for down sloped winds is zonda. There is a large variability in the dust transport to the Caribbean and Florida from year to year. Wind dispersal can take on one of two primary forms: seeds can float on the breeze or alternatively, they can flutter to the ground. Wind has a very important role in aiding plants and other immobile organisms in dispersal of seeds, spores, pollen, etc. Lancaster was Lune ceaster. Using a mechanical sandblaster in a laboratory setting, scientists affiliated with the Agricultural Research Service studied the effects of windblown sand abrasion on cotton seedlings. [30] They are strongest in the winter when the pressure is lower over the poles, and weakest during the summer and when pressures are higher over the poles.[39]. [72] Wind shear has a significant effect on the control of aircraft during take-off and landing,[73] and was a significant cause of aircraft accidents involving large loss of life within the United States. Farn is usually a corruption of fern as in Farnham. [1][2], Winds defined by an equilibrium of physical forces are used in the decomposition and analysis of wind profiles. Winds can shape landforms, via a variety of aeolian processes such as the formation of fertile soils, such as loess, and by erosion. It exists only in an atmosphere with horizontal temperature gradients. [29] The trade winds blow predominantly from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. [58] Once winds exceed 135 knots (250 km/h), homes completely collapse, and significant damage is done to larger buildings. [85] During Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign, the French soldiers had a hard time with the khamsin wind: when the storm appeared "as a blood-stint in the distant sky", the Ottomans went to take cover, while the French "did not react until it was too late, then choked and fainted in the blinding, suffocating walls of dust". These are derived from the Saxon word ceaster, which meant a Roman fort or town. [151], Rather than air, the solar wind is a stream of charged particles—a plasma—ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun at a rate of 400 kilometers per second (890,000 mph). The solar wind creates the Heliosphere, a vast bubble in the interstellar medium surrounding the Solar System. [47], Over elevated surfaces, heating of the ground exceeds the heating of the surrounding air at the same altitude above sea level, creating an associated thermal low over the terrain and enhancing any thermal lows that would have otherwise existed,[48][49] and changing the wind circulation of the region. [10] Another type of anemometer uses pitot tubes that take advantage of the pressure differential between an inner tube and an outer tube that is exposed to the wind to determine the dynamic pressure, which is then used to compute the wind speed.[11].

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