Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage; 7. In addition, if we reasonably suspect that your Account has been used for an unauthorized, illegal, or criminal purpose, you give us express authorization to share information about you, your Account, your access to the Service, and any of your transactions with law enforcement. Typically, fees are netted against other funds due to Merchant or debited from the Merchant's Settlement Account. To register, a Merchant provides information, including email address and a self-selected password, in order to create an account (“Account”). During the term of this Agreement, and for at least 180 days afterwards (or longer as we may request), Merchant shall not close its Settlement Account without substituting another Settlement Account. Merchants may only do this in compliance with the applicable “Card Network Rules” (defined in Section 6 below). Headings are included for convenience only, and shall not be considered in interpreting this Agreement. Agreement can be terminated by the Merchant at any time without penalty by closing the Merchant’s online account. Merchants must provide additional information to identify the person that opens an Account, such as business name, physical address, telephone number, government identification number, date of birth and beneficial ownership information (where applicable). Merchant agrees to indemnify CMS, the Member, the Card Networks, and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and sponsoring banks from any losses, liabilities, and damages of any and every kind (including, without limitation, CMS’s costs, expenses, and reasonable legal fees) arising out of (a) CMS’s reliance on information provided by Merchant, or Merchant’s authorized representative (including any information with respect to Merchant’s financial condition); and (b) any claim, complaint or Chargeback (i) made or claimed by a Customer with respect to any transaction or transaction data submitted by Merchant; (ii) caused by Merchant’s non-compliance with this Agreement or the Card Network Rules (including without limitation any breach of a representation or warranty made by Merchant or Merchant’s failure to comply with the Security Standards); (iii) resulting from any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding by or against Merchant; (iv) related to Merchant’s placement or the placement of any person owning or controlling Merchant’s business in one or more databases of terminated or high risk merchants maintained by the Card Networks. All indebtedness arising from charges will be for bona fide sales of goods or services (or both) at Merchant’s establishments and free of liens, claims and encumbrances other than ordinary sales taxes. San Francisco, CA. In particular, Merchant agrees that if any payment is dishonoured by Merchant’s Financial Institution for any reason, CMS shall be entitled to issue another debit in substitution for the dishonoured debit. Wepay/Chase has a system that is intended to and does delay payment of funds ("settlement") as long as possible. Contact WePay customer service. All transactions are subject to WePay terms of service and exclusions therein, including risk assessment and fraud monitoring, which may result in delays. The information you provide in connection with this Agreement and your Account must at all times be accurate and complete. CMS AND MEMBER HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES, PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENT PROVIDED HEREUNDER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION MADE TO MERCHANT OR ANY OTHER PERSON, REGARDING QUALITY, SUITABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR USE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE (REGARDLESS OF ANY COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE) OF ANY SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY GOODS PROVIDED INCIDENTAL TO SUCH SERVICES. Merchant agrees to comply with all Security Standards. Finally, if at any time CMS or the Platform are unable to verify that the identity information you provided is correct and up-to-date, then, unless you provide verifiable information promptly, (a) CMS will disable your Account so that you cannot accept additional payments, and (b) CMS will refund to your Customers all of the payments that you have accepted by not settled. You agree to promptly notify CMS if there are any significant changes to the nature of your business (including changes to any trade name(s)), product lines or services). CMS has no control of, or liability for, goods or services that are paid for with the Service. You agree to accept all of the cards issued by Card Networks that the Service supports in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You agree to reimburse CMS and Member for all fines, fees, penalties, liabilities, or other charges or assessments by a Card Network or other payment network relating to your actions or your transactions (“Card Network Liabilities”). Leverage the scale and reliability of the largest wholly-owned merchant acquirer in the world. WePay Office Photos Add Photos. The Company develops an online platform that provides bank account payment, ticket payment, and donation collection solutions. Access a full suite of payout rails, including Same Day ACH, Same Day Deposits to Chase bank accounts, and Instant Deposits. Neither CMS nor the Platform will have any liability to you for your inability to accept payments or for refunds pursuant to this paragraph. Please remember that when you use a link to go from the Website to another website, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. Merchant acknowledges that the licenses granted herein are limited to Merchant’s own use exclusively and that Merchant does not have the right to sub-license any of the Intellectual Property in either their original or modified form. It has uniquely enabled Constant Contact, GoFundMe, Meetup, and more than 1,000 other B2B and B2C platforms to incorporate payments without compromising on their user experience or taking on risk and regulatory exposure. callback_uri: No: String (2083 chars) The uri that will receive any instant payment notifications sent. If a dispute of any kind arises, we want to understand and address your concerns quickly and to your satisfaction. You acknowledge that your failure to assist CMS and the Platform in a timely manner when investigating a transaction, including providing necessary documentation within seven (7) days of a request, may result in an irreversible Chargeback. To the extent that there is any conflict between this Section 29 (the “American Express Disclosure and Consent Provisions”) and any other term of this Agreement or the JPMorgan Chase Merchant Services’ Online Privacy Policy in respect of American Express’ use data, the American Express Disclosure and Consent Provisions shall take precedence over any such other term. Merchant acknowledges that in order to revoke this Authorization, Merchant must provide notice of revocation to CMS. This authority will remain in full force and effect until we notify you that all amounts due under this Agreement have been paid in full. Outline of two peoples' heads. We may add or remove support for certain payment cards at any time without prior notice. Try it free! These encompass a wide range of payments made by Canadians and businesses involving inter-bank tr… No receiver, interim receiver, receiver-and-manager, trustee-in-bankruptcy, sheriff, monitor or other officer of the court, assignee for the benefit of creditors, bailiff or other person charged with taking custody of a party's assets, undertakings, property or business shall have any right to continue or to assume or to assign this Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO WITHOUT REFERENCE TO CONFLICT OF LAW PROVISIONS. In 2016, the payment facilitator also announced opening operations for businesses in the United Kingdom. Redwood City, CA. Why did a payment fail? Impersonating any person or entity or falsely claiming an affiliation with any person or entity; Collecting, or attempting to collect, personal information about users or third parties without their consent, or using such information except as necessary to use the Service; Defaming, harassing, abusing, threatening, or defrauding others; Posting, transmitting, or distributing content that is false, misleading, unlawful, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, hateful, abusive, inflammatory, or that violates the rights of others (including rights of publicity or privacy); Damaging, disabling, overburdening, or impairing the Service, including without limitation, using the Service in an automated manner; Interfering with another user's enjoyment of the Service, by any means, including by uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms or other malicious code; Creating an Account that is linked to another Account that has engaged in any of the foregoing activities. If your Account is terminated for any reason or no reason, you agree: (a) to continue to be bound by this Agreement, (b) to immediately stop using the Service, (c) that the license provided under this Agreement shall end, (d) that CMS has the right to delete all of your information and Account data in accordance with its record-keeping policies, except as required by applicable law, and (e) that CMS shall not be liable to you or any third party for any of the foregoing actions. You are solely responsible for all customer service issues relating to your goods or services, including pricing, order fulfillment, order cancellation by you or the Customer, returns, Refunds, rebates, functionality and warranty, technical support and feedback concerning experiences with your personnel, policies or processes. Merchant hereby waives the right to receive any notice from CMS of the amount to be debited to the Settlement Account and the dates on which the debits will be processed, as well as notice of any and all future changes to the amounts or payment dates. CMS is not obligated to, and will not, determine whether taxes apply, or calculate, collect, report or remit any such taxes to any tax authority. Merchant acknowledges and understands the importance of compliance with the “Security Standards” (defined following), such as those relating to the storage and disclosure of transaction data and “Card Information” (defined following). You may file a complaint through the following channels: Telephone: Call us toll free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1.800.265.5158, Online: Complete in full the form at, No card acceptance fees apply to return transactions, The Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada (the “Code of Conduct”) can be accessed through the following link:​. A nonprofit organization may use the Service to accept payments as a Merchant. 104 2nd Ave. NW, Waverly. Merchant understands and agrees that CMS will not be responsible for Platform’s subsequent use or disclosure of such information. If the Chargeback is contested successfully, CMS will release the reserved funds to you. The Reserve will not bear interest, and CMS may commingle the Reserve with other funds. Grow your employer brand. To register for, purchase or otherwise obtain products or services from American Express unrelated to the OptBlue Program, please contact American Express directly by calling American Express at 1-877-255-4334 (toll-free). CMS is not liable for any fraud or forgery, other than by each of us. If CMS determines that you are incurring an excessive amount of Chargebacks, CMS may establish controls or conditions governing your Account, including without limitation, by (a) assessing additional fees, (b) creating a Reserve in an amount reasonably determined by us to cover anticipated Chargebacks and related fees, (c) delaying settlement, and (d) terminating or suspending the Service or closing your Account. CMS is not responsible for any losses that you may incur as a result of our response to or compliance with a Legal Order. Merchants can begin accepting payments instantly. As the person signing electronically on behalf of Merchant, you certify that you are an owner, partner, director or officer of the Merchant and have been duly authorized to sign this Authorization and Agreement on behalf of Merchant. CMS, WePay or the Platform will provide Communications to you by emailing them to you at the primary email address listed in your Account registration, by texting them to you at the primary telephone number listed in your Account registration, by emailing or texting you a link or instructions how to access them on a website, or (if permitted by law) by posting them on the Website. CMS may use your personal information to determine your eligibility for, and to offer you, additional products and services unless youY ask us not to by calling us at 1.800.265.5158. You owe CMS and will immediately pay the amount of any Chargeback and any associated fees, fines, or penalties assessed by CMS or the Card Networks. By accepting this Agreement, you agree and consent to receive electronically all communications, agreements, documents, notices and disclosures (collectively, “Communications”) that CMS provides (either directly, through WePay or through the Platform) in connection with your Account and your use of the Service. Except as required by law, you are solely responsible for (a) compiling and retaining permanent records of all transactions and other data, and (b) reconciling all transaction information that is associated with your Account. Merchant understands and agrees that CMS will disclose transaction data and Merchant data to American Express, and American Express may use such information to perform its responsibilities in connection with the OptBlue Program, perform analytics and create reports, to communicate with Merchant in the manner permitted above and for any other lawful purposes (other than Solicitations). You agree to provide supplemental documentation upon request (including but not limited to:  certificate of incorporation, passport, driver’s license or a business license). However, CMS cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. Should CMS need to conduct an investigation or resolve any pending dispute related to your Account, CMS may defer settlement or restrict access to your funds for the entire time it takes to do so. Learn more. This includes not just credit card . CMS will notify you of the amount of any required Reserve, which CMS will determine in good faith. WePay, Inc. offers online payment services. Same-Day Deposits are available to eligible merchants of software platforms with a 5 PM PT cut-off time for payments processed on WePay. Palo Alto, CA. Any use of the Service after such notice or posting shall constitute your acceptance of this Agreement as modified. Funds are deposited on business days, excluding weekends and bank holidays. Furthermore, Merchant may be contacted by CMS or a third party contracted by CMS who will need to gain access to Merchant’s business operation to perform a site survey and inspection (the “Site Survey”) in compliance with Card Network Rules. In addition, in order to settle the payments you have accepted, you must provide details of an account (the “Settlement Account”) that is used primarily for business purposes and that you maintain at a bank that is a member of the Canadian Payments Association, as described in the Pre-Authorized Debit Authorization section below (the “PAD Authorization”). or by logging into your account with a platform that has integrated the WePay service. To obtain more information on Merchant’s recourse rights Merchant may contact Merchant’s Financial Institution or visit You agree to comply with this Agreement and with all terms of service, policies, notices, and other content relevant to the Service that appear on (i) WePay’s website at, or (ii) the website of the Platform through which you access the Service (collectively, the “Website”). You may terminate this Agreement by closing your Account at any time. They fail to disclose this before they sign you up for their service and then - after the fact - tell you that they now have to "verify" your business to make sure it is real. If Merchant is a Small Merchant, by accepting American Express Payment Cards and remitting transaction data to CMS, Merchant is agreeing to participate in the OptBlue Program. Request a free trial. You will promptly examine your entire Statement once it is available. Unless revoked, this Authorization remains in effect after termination of the Agreement until all Merchant’s obligations under the Agreement have been paid in full. In addition, you may not use the Service for: If CMS determines that you have received funds resulting from fraud or a prohibited activity, CMS may terminate this Agreement and close your Account and, to the extent permitted by law, those funds may be frozen, returned to the Customer, or seized. Here For You During COVID-19 NEW! If CMS cannot transfer the funds to the Merchant’s Settlement Account or other payment instrument (due to inaccurate or obsolete bank account information entered by the Merchant, or for any other reason), CMS may refund the funds to the Customer or escheat them pursuant to Section 20, Dormant Account. You assign and grant CMS a security interest in and lien on any and all funds held in your Account and any other funds and credits with CMS, including without limitation any Reserve under Section 11, Reserve, above, and also authorize CMS to make any withdrawals or debits from the Reserve, without prior notice to you, to collect amounts that you owe CMS under this Agreement, including without limitation for any reversals of settlements or transfers made to your Account. Clear funds through a Customer Money Account with JPMorgan, gaining access to Earnings Credit Rates to offset your processing fees and innovative credit solutions to enable faster payouts. Merchant consents to the disclosure of any Personal Information that may be contained in this Authorization to the Financial Institution at which CMS maintains its account to be credited with the PADs as far as any such disclosure of Personal Information is directly related to and necessary for the proper application of the Rules of Payments Canada. The indemnification provided under this Section 33 shall survive the termination of the Agreement. You can view your statements online by logging into your WePay account at If Merchant makes a “Refund” (as defined in Section 16 below) in full, CMS and Platform will return their respective transaction processing fees. CMS may deliver or hold any funds or any information as required under such Legal Order. You understand and agree that if CMS, WePay or the Platform sends you a Communication but you do not receive it because your primary email or street address on file is incorrect, out of date, blocked by your service provider, or you are otherwise unable to receive electronic Communications, CMS will be deemed to have provided the Communication to you. A PAD may be disputed in accordance with the Rules of Payments Canada. If you discover a security-related issue, including any unauthorized use of your access credentials or Account, you will inform us of the issue immediately by contacting the WePay Security Team at and the relevant Platform. “Equipment” is a point-of-sale terminal and/or any software, hardware or other Card processing equipment used by Merchant to obtain Card Information and transmit transaction data to CMS.
. The Engine That Powers Payment Platforms. Reported anonymously by WePay employees. If you have consented to being offered services, products and promotions other than those provided under this Agreement, you acknowledge that such services, products and promotions may be provided by third parties and not by CMS. WePay … By accepting this Agreement, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the CMS’ Privacy Policy. If your Customer is dissatisfied with your Refund policy, your Customer may chargeback the payment. Merchant hereby acknowledges that its Refund policies for purchases using American Express Cards must be at least as favorable as its Refund policy for purchases made on Cards of other Card Networks. To that end, you permit CMS and the Platform to share information about a Chargeback with the Customer, the Customer's financial institution, and your financial institution in order to investigate and/or mediate a Chargeback. WePay is the payments partner to the platform economy. WePay offers training via documentation, live online, and in person sessions. We Pay will always work with clients to ensure employees who can continue to claim Travel and Subsistence, can do so without overloading the burden onto you. Any termination of this Agreement does not relieve you of any obligations to pay any fees or costs accrued prior to the termination and any other amounts owed by you to us or the Platform as provided in this Agreement. Add Salary. Contact WePay. CMS and the Platform reserve the right, upon notice to you, to charge a fee for mediating and/or investigating Chargeback disputes. Neither CMS nor the Platform is responsible for you relying on balance, transaction or related information that is updated or corrected, or the accuracy or timeliness of information supplied by any third party. Support a range of Pre-Certified devices through our Card Present Solutions. In the event of such transfer or assignment, the party to whom the Agreement was transferred or assigned shall be bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement to the same extent as if CMS, Member and such assignee or transferee, as the case may be, entered into an agreement identical to this Agreement on the effective date of such transfer or assignment. You acknowledge that CMS uses service providers located outside of Canada to provide merchant processing and other services and as such: (A) CMS’s ability to provide card acceptance services and perform its obligations under this Agreement will be subject to the laws where CMS and its service providers are located; and (B) personal information may be processed outside of Canada and … Who is responsible for funding merchants? You are solely responsible for all fees, costs, and overdrafts associated with the Settlement Account. Merchant acknowledges that provision and delivery of this Authorization to CMS constitutes delivery by Merchant to the Financial Institution. Redwood City, CA. Merchant authorizes CMS to initiate electronic credit entries and adjustments to the Settlement Account at any time, and electronic debit entries to the Settlement Account at any time to obtain all regular occurring payments required under this Agreement including, but not limited to payments required to establish a Reserve, and all payments that are set out in Section 3, Merchant Fees, and Section 6, Our Role and Your Responsibilities, without regard to the source of any monies in the Settlement Account(s), in accordance with the PAD Authorization. To the extent CMS has paid or may be called upon to pay a Chargeback or Refund for or on the account of a Customer and Merchant does not reimburse CMS as provided in this Agreement, then for the purpose of CMS obtaining reimbursement of such sums paid or anticipated to be paid, CMS has all of the rights and remedies of such Customer under applicable federal, provincial, or local laws and Merchant authorizes CMS to assert any and all such claims in its own name for and on behalf of any such Customer individually or all such Customers as a class. Available in the U.S. only. Merchant will not assign to any third party any payments due to Merchant under this Agreement. All transactions so processed will be in accordance with and subject to all the terms of this Agreement. You further agree that your electronic signature has the same effect as your manual, physical signature. The Card Networks make excerpts of their respective Card Network Rules available on their websites (including,, An individual may open an Account for a business or nonprofit organization only if the business or organization is legitimate and the individual (i) is eighteen (18) years of age or older, and (ii) has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the business or organization. Online software made for nonprofits and churches that makes it simple to manage the accounting, track donations, accept donations online and create the reports and giving receipts you need. CMS will not be liable for any delays in receipt of funds or errors in Settlement Account entries caused by third parties, including, without limitation, delays or errors by the Card Networks or Merchant’s financial institution. In order to be reimbursed, Merchant acknowledges that a declaration must be completed and presented to the Financial Institution holding the Settlement Account up to and including 10 business days after the date on which the PAD in dispute was posted to the Settlement Account. Use of the Service in no way represents any endorsement by CMS or any “Card Network” (defined following), of Merchant’s existence, legitimacy, ability, policies, practices, or beliefs. “Card Network Rules” means all bylaws, rules, programs, and regulations, as they exist from time to time, of the Card Networks. Specifically, when you register, you must demonstrate that you can receive email at the email address you provide. Merchant acknowledges and agrees that receipt of Customer information via the Service does not indicate that the Customer’s card has sufficient available funds, that a transaction will be authorized or processed, or that the transaction will not later result in a “Chargeback” (as defined in Section 17 below) or reversal. Neither party will be liable for delays in processing or other non-performance caused by such events as fires, telecommunications failures, utility failures, power failures, equipment failures, labour strife, riots, war, terrorist attack, non-performance of CMS’s vendors or suppliers, acts of God, or other causes over which the respective party has no reasonable control, except that nothing in this Section 39 will affect or excuse Merchant’s liabilities and obligations for Chargebacks, refunds, or unfulfilled goods and services. WePay’s ability to support merchants in the US, Canada, or the UK varies between our partner platforms. Such communication may be made by CMS or by anyone on its behalf, including but not limited to WePay, Platform or a third party collection agent. Submit a ticket, click the ‘Submit a request’ link at the bottom of the page, you will receive a response within one business day. You will promptly, and no later than 90 calendar days after the Statement date, reconcile your Statement with your bank statements and other receipts from the same period, and notify CMS or the Platform of any: (a) unauthorized transactions, including any claims of such activity or requested adjustments, (b) alterations, errors, discrepancies and irregularities, or (c) discrepancies you identify when reconciling with your bank statements and other receipts. CMS or the Platform will provide a report of activities, including transactions and fees, relating to the Service (“Statement”), which is available for you to examine when it is available online. If you are a merchant located in the US, Canada, or the UK, please reach out directly to your platform to confirm that your country is supported. Work in HR or Marketing? Communications are considered received by you within 24 hours of the time they are emailed to you, posted to the Website, or mailed to you. If you are required to enter into such an agreement and you do not do so, we may suspend or terminate this Agreement, your Account or both. How does the Merchant set up and manage their Further, if CMS reasonably believes that a Chargeback is likely with respect to any transaction, CMS may withhold the amount of the potential Chargeback from payments otherwise due to you under this Agreement until such time that: (a) a Chargeback is assessed due to a Customer’s complaint, in which case CMS will retain and refund the funds; (b) the period of time under applicable law or regulation by which the Customer may dispute that the transaction has expired; or (c) CMS determines that a Chargeback on the transaction will not occur.
 Effective upon the date you accept this Agreement, Length of term: Until terminated by either party, Chase Paymentech Solutions Inc. (“CMS”), Cancellation of contract and any applicable penalties. These Terms of Service are a legal agreement (this “Agreement”) between you (“Merchant,” “you” or “your”) and WePay Payments Ltd. (“WePay”, "we", "our", or "us"), a company incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 09135633), whose head office is at 25 Bank Street, Canary … If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, then it shall be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law, and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

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